During this Diwali, ignite the light within!

This Diwali, ignite our inner light through the knowledge of the Self, the spiritual beam which will shatter the darkness of ignorance and ignite our awareness of our pure Soul!

04 November 2023

Throughout the world, millions of homes will be lit up with sparkling diyas to commemorate the festival of Diwali. Just as all our homes are imbued with physical brightness and a sense of renewed freshness in our minds, we put aside our old grievances and grudges and convene together to celebrate the ‘Festival of Lights’.

During this time, it is important to reflect upon the essential meaning of Diwali: a celebration of the conquest of light over darkness. The story of Ram conquering Ravana is actually a symbolic representation of how it is possible for us too, to win over the darkness in our lives as well.

This is achieved by overcoming our problems and difficulties through the light of the right understanding and ultimate knowledge which we receive when we acquire the knowledge of the Self from the Gnani Purush (One who has realised the Self and is able to do the same for others). This knowledge helps us vanquish anger, pride, greed, and deceit within ourselves and realise our pure Self - ‘The Pure Soul’.

Thus, on this Diwali, ignite our inner light through the knowledge of the Self, the spiritual beam which will shatter the darkness of ignorance and ignite our awareness of our pure Soul!