Shree Simandhar Swami the Ultimate Liberator

Lord Simandhar Swami is instrumental in unlocking our worldly bondages

16 April 2020

17th April is the most auspicious day of the year: it marks the birth of the current living Tirthankar, Shree Simandhar Swami (Fully Enlightened Being).

Lord Simandhar Swami is instrumental in unlocking our worldly bondages and enabling us to experience eternal bliss! How blessed are we to have been guided to this vitaraag Lord by Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan, the founder of Akram Vignan!

Worshipping and surrendering to the present Tirthankar will guarantee us achieving ultimate liberation. So, on this very auspicious day, let us submit ourselves utterly to Lord Simandhar Swami – and implore the Lord to continue to guide us in achieving our ultimate goal of liberation.

So, if you really desire permanent bliss and freedom from the endless cycles of birth and rebirth, chant ‘Simandhar Swami Na Aseem Jai Jai Kar Ho! from the heart with enthusiasm and sincerity. Then for sure, your prayers will be heard!