May the world attain the Happiness that I have attained.


Each and every living being is in constant pursuit of happiness; no one likes suffering. This search only ends when the source of eternal happiness is found. Eternal happiness can only be attained through realising your true Self. A path to eternal happiness was discovered by A. M. Patel, also known as Dada Bhagwan, and was revealed to the world as Akram Vignan, a spiritual science.

Akram Vignan is based on the foundation of Self Realisation. This unique science provides practical day-to-day solutions that lead to harmony and happiness in life.

Self Realisation is attained effortlessly in a two-hour ceremony (Gnan Vidhi) by the grace of the Gnani (spiritual master). Many have experienced this eternal happiness! You, too, can attain this bliss!

Come and attain Self Realisation from the current living spiritual master, Pujya Deepakbhai Desai.

Who are we?

Atma Vignani Dada Bhagwan Foundation (AVDBF) organises Satsangs / Gnanvidhi (a two hour scientific process of Self Realisation) by Pujya Deepakbhai across the country. The Satsangs are in question-answer format and comprises of wide variety of questions ranging from subtlest spiritual to gross worldly issues / problems / doubts. On a regular basis, activities are organised for followers in the UK to further their understanding of this spiritual science.

The spiritual science is also propagated through books, monthly magazines, DVDs, website, broadcasting of satsangs on a host of TV channels. Besides activities for adults, AVDBF is engaged in imparting moral values & character building for children and youth through various activities in the UK. The science is delivered to children and youth in a form that is relevant to them through dedicated monthly magazines and websites.


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